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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Is Barack Obama being a Bad Boy to wife Michelle?

Rumor mills are flying all colors these past two weeks.

And is it 'fair' for us to continue with this?

With infamous National Enquirer naming, or unnaming a white house 'source' stateing that the presidential couple are having a pit' pat and sleeping in separate beds. Hmmmm.

Seem's this all stated at Nelson Mandela's funeral where president Obama and several other world leaders attended to past tribute to the late Mandela. Besides UK prime minister David Cameron and Obama, what the Enquirer called a 'very leggy' Helle Thorning-Schmidt who is the prime minister of Denmark, may perhaps caught Obama's waundering eye big time. But is all this true?

First off, Michelle is from the South side of Chicago and we know she can 'tear some ass'.

But stay turned. I'm quite sure Michelle will get to the bottom of all this.


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